A personal note from Jalil

Dear Friend,

I can honestly say that the Middle East ministry trip I just returned from has been one of the highlights of my ministry career. Over 16 days, your prayers and support made it possible to reach so many desperately seeking the hope Jesus offers.

I saw more Muslims coming to the Lord than I ever have before in my life!

God is doing something amazing in hearts and lives across the Middle East, and I’m so grateful you’re a part of it!

Please continue to pray for those who trusted Jesus. Pray for our house church partners as they disciple new believers in the Word. And pray for a generous outpouring of support during our upcoming Refugee Summer Bible Drive.

I also hope you’ll get your copy of my new book, The Refugee – and learn more ways you can be a part of reaching refugees around the world, as well as those God has placed in your midst.

Thank you for your partnership to help rebuild broken refugee lives all over the world.

You’re a blessing!



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