Displaced men and women from countries all across the Middle East are coming to Christ like never before. Yet their fellow refugees -- and even family members -- are often hostile to Christianity. That makes growing in their newfound faith a real challenge, one that often endangers their lives.
That's why we're so thankful for your partnership in raising up strong refugee house church leaders all over the Middle East. One of them, a Muslim-background believer named "Sami," recently shared...
"I'm so thankful that you understand and feel for us as we try to start a new life -- and reach others with the Gospel."
You see, in addition to leading their church members, who often attend in secret, people like Sami have to think about caring for their own families as well -- protecting them from the dangers of persecution. That's why your care and compassion are so vital, so he and others can focus their time and energy on reaching refugees for Christ instead of merely trying to survive!
That's also what you're doing for "Faruq," a leader in Iraq who reaches displaced people who've lost their homes and livelihoods because of ISIS. With your help, we recently sent Faruq to a ministry training seminar in Lebanon, so he can be more effective at reaching refugees for Christ.
Thank you for your your generous support to help move these leaders from surviving to thriving -- so they can take the Gospel forward!